Thursday, February 24, 2011

Graph of the Day - February 24th

I appreciate this because it attempts to plot these potential candidates on more than one characteristic. If I had to make a bet right now, I would bet on Huntsman. I see the battle of the Republican primary as basically being between the upper left corner and the lower right corner. I think the person in the upper left who best contorts themselves to attract the support of the lower right will be the nominee.

First, the area of each candidate’s circle is proportional to their perceived likelihood of winning the nomination, according to the Intrade betting market.
Finally, the color of each circle reflects the region the candidate is from: blue for the Northeast, red for the South, green for the Midwest, and yellow for the West.

**NOTE: "Graph of the Day" is a series that may include graphs, charts, and other visuals that communicate data.

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